Day 34...
...My hand snapped at my alarm clock this morning, or um, afternoon like a rattlesnake attacking a mouse. It was noon and in less than an hour I had to be in the West Village to help out and document the Queer Justice League's action against Caliente Cab Company. I groaned at the idea of putting my clothes on and walking to 7th Avenue. I sat up and felt the weight of sleep still on my body and collapsed back onto my mattress for another 2o minutes. At 12:20 I fling myself awake in one of those how long was I asleep?!?! panics. I turn on the shower and let some cool water hit my face. I'm awake. Sort of. I grab my clothes, backpack, and jog-walk to 9th St. for a much loved and needed cup of Mud Coffee.

I get my ice coffee and savor the first sip knowing that once I begin fast-walking again I'll swig it down like fuel to match my pace. I walk directly through Washington Square Park which at this time during the day, with the sun at it's brightest, looks absolutely breath taking.

Finally and sweating I arrive at Caliente Cab right at 1PM. I meet the actioners and they give me a few flyers.

The Queer Justice League is a Queer/Gay rights action group formed this past year after Larry Kramer's 20th Anniversary ACT UP speech. In short, the Queer Justice League, through actions, protests and civil disobedience aims to raise awareness on any current LGBT injustices. The QJL is still trying to introduce themselves and gain members but those who are at the core of it are truly caring, concerned and resistant to the plague of apathy affecting the gay community. I respect them very much and am proud to be one of their members. The latest fight is against Caliente Cab Company Mexican Restaurant for kicking out lesbian, Alisha Farmer. Alisha, who is African-American and has a shaved he

An hour passed and the action began to dwindle down. We were able to educate a good handful of would-be customers who actually chose to dine elsewhere for brunch. We all congratulated each other on a job well done and I was off to yet another adventure.
1 comment:
Yummmm. Mud.
Yummmm. Peace Coffee at Rapture!!!!
Don't think I won't overlook this coffee scenario, you little scamp. We need to have a little chat.
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