Holding the "V" for Vice Squad and Victory
(L to R: Vin, Vanessa, BJ, me, Thom, Sergio, T)
Ladies and Gentleman, it's ON! The fierceness that was last year's first ever gay/gay-friendly coed dodgeball league, BigAppleDodgeball, is back and rowdier than ever. This season old players shake hands with over 40 new players and 4 brand new teams.(L to R: Vin, Vanessa, BJ, me, Thom, Sergio, T)
Yours truly is Captain of the new team The View Bar Vice Squad who, during our very first games last night,
Teams are as follows: (names subject to change)
David Barton Gym
The Splash Bar: Splasholes
United Shipping Solutions
The Eagle: Spread Eagles
The Boy Butter: Ballers
Henrietta Hudson's: House of Pain
Masterbeat.com: Master Beat-Downs
The View Bar: Vice Squad
Ref Rick explaining rules to new comers: "No balls in the face!"

View Bar Vice Squad Captain Eric watching games and sizing up the competition

Players ready to go

Boy Butter Baller Steve Osada Charges the line and Paul Burke, league organizer, about to throw and ask "Who's your daddy?"

And of course, The Dodgeball tradition would not be complete without the Gym Bar hosted massive Flip Cub after-game bonanza.

The women of Dodgeball retracting their claws and being all "heeeeey" with one another

nice sunglasses
no balls in the face? then what's the point?!
oh, wait, were we talking about dodgeball?
Post-game lockerroom photos, please.
hey eric great to see BAD! 2.0 is in swing. cool you're cap'n. work!
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