Yes, that's correct ladies and gentleman. The triumphant View Bar Vice Squad, who kept a 1st place lead all season, lost the championship game to the Boy Butter Ballers in a 2-1 defeat.
The loss was a sucker-punch in the gut for View Bar Vice Squad but we remain strong knowing we played a fun, kick-ass and well organized season. We organized, we communicated and we most certainly executed. However, the title must go to someone and that someone is the Boy Butter Ballers. Bravo Ballers, you played a hell of game!
Team Huddle
Owen asking, "Watcha got?"
And of course, it wouldn't be BIG APPLE DODGEBALL if flip-cup didn't follow:
Well, if I lose at Dodgeball I know I can always win at Flip Cup
Then there's the "Losers-have-to-take-their-shirts-off" Flip Cup (rowdy!)
Oooh, some nice torso action in that last pic. I'll take (l-r) #1, #2 and #6. Please have them ready for delivery by the end of the week.
caption for pic #1:
smell my finger.
Sorry your team didn't win, but the season sounds like a blast. I wish they planned something like that out here in CA.
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