Friday, November 30, 2007

Happy Friday! 2 Girls 1 Cup: The Story Behind the Poop

The Smoking Gun Reports on 2 girls 1cup
If you dry-heaved your way through the famously grotesque fetish video of 2 girls 1 cup as I have the article above may prove interesting. Many have said, "oh that's chocolate!" I've disagreed. Is it or isn't it? Gosh, I'm gagging just writing this.

Check out these (safe for work) reaction videos of people watching this stomach-turning video.

Note: I tried sending the link of the video to my sister via AOL email and it would not let me send the straight URL as it is. I had to scramble the url with spaces before AOL allowed me to send.


pdxprofessor said...

i know it's gross, but now i really want to see the video itself. could you please post the URL? i'm gagging in advance, but thanks.

pdxprofessor said...

i know it's gross, but now i really want to see the video itself. could you please post the URL? i'm gagging in advance, but thanks.